    • African Mahogany


      Light red, fairly uniform colour. Timber exposed to air shifts into reddish brown. Some pieces are patterned, bringing out the silver figure or have a mottled aspect.

      Origin: Gabon, Cameroon and Congo

      Possible end-uses: Cabinet-making, furniture, millwork, joinery, boatbuilding

      Marketing: Sawnwood

      Physical and mechanical properties: Good elasticity, shock resistant, medium natural durability

    • Ayous


      Triplochiton scleroxylon

      The wood is naturally very light yellow to white or grey. Sapwood and heartwood of the same colour. Also called Obeche, Samba or Wawa

      Origin: Cameroon

      Possible end-uses: Plywood, mouldings, sauna slats, interior joinery.

      Marketing: Logs, KD sawnwood and finished products

      Physical and mechanical properties: The wood has fine texture and is easy to work

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    • Azobé


      Lophira alata

      Dark red to purple brown wood. Intermediary zone between the sapwood and perfect wood (duramen). White deposits in the pores.

      Origin: Cameroon

      Possible end-uses: Hydraulic works (in freshwater and in a maritime environment), sleepers, bridges, heavy carpentry, wood frame construction

      Marketing: Logs

      Physical and mechanical properties: Very heavy and hard wood with excellent resistance


    • Bilinga


      Nauclea diderrichii

      The wood is perfect golden yellow or yellow orange slightly mottled. Stable wood colour when used for interior applications. Well demarcated sapwood, medium texture. Also called Badi.

      Origin: Cameroon

      Possible end-uses: Sleepers, hydraulic works (even for seawater uses), exterior panelling, heavy carpentry, bridges, shipbuilding

      Marketing: Logs

      Physical and mechanical properties: Rather heavy and hard wood. Good stability

    • Bossé

      Guarea cedrata

      The wood is uniformly pinkish brown. The fibre is usually quite curly, producing a nice mottled aspect. It can be quite oily due to resin exudation.

      Origin: Cameroon and Congo

      Possible end-uses: Cabinet-making, interior and exterior joinery, furniture, stairs

      Marketing: Sawnwood and logs

      Physical and mechanical properties: the wood is soft, moderately nervous and elastic with excellent shock-resistance.

    • Dabema

      Piptadeniastrum africanum

      Light brown wood going towards dark brown on exposure, with a particular odour when green.

      Origin: Gabon, Cameroon

      Possible end-uses: sliced veneers, heavy carpentry, flooring, exterior panelling

      Marketing: Logs and sawnwood

      Physical and mechanical properties: the wood is moderately hard, very nervous, with excellent shock-resistance.


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    • Eyong

      Piptadeniastrum africanum

      Light brown wood going towards dark brown on exposure, with a particular odour when green.

      Origin: Cameroon

      Possible end-uses: furniture, flooring, veneers, interior joinery

      Marketing: Logs

      Physical and mechanical properties: Semi-hard wood, nervous, quite fissile and elastic

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    • Frake

      Terminalia Superba

      The wood is rather uniformly straw yellow with slight interlocked grain Also called Limba.

      Origin: Cameroon

      Possible end-uses: plywood, sliced veneers, moulding, interior and exterior joinery

      Marketing: Logs and sawnwood

      Physical and mechanical properties: Soft to semi-hard wood, moderately nervous. Fissile, low shock-resistance

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    • Mukulungu

      Red brown wood with dark brown veins. Well demarcated sapwood and fine texture. Slightly interlocked grain.

      Origin: Cameroon

      Possible end-uses: Hydraulic works in seawater, bridges, exterior panelling, heavy carpentry, sleepers, bottom plates for vehicles or containers

      Marketing: Logs and sawnwood

      Physical and mechanical properties: Heavy and hard wood with good mechanical properties

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